This page includes a series of questions that are commonly asked by customers and cover topics including products
Try to contact the seller for clarification. If the seller cannot be reached, click "After-sales service" on the SUMMARY to notify us so we may investigate the matter.
For more information
Try to contact the seller via the accountlover Chat Application to inquire about the delivery status. If the order is not delivered and the seller cannot be reached for more than 2 days after
Unless game account trading is officially sanctioned by the game account publishers and game developers, account trading is against the End User License Agreement (EULA) of most MMORPG titles
After your Purchase on you will receive a notification from accountlover team. Seller will deliver your account in promised time. After deliver your account you will notify.
Buyer and seller can communicate with each other through live chat on ACCOUNTLOVER.COM. You will be able to find the contact section on the product categories or directly chat with the seller